Writing for the Web

I just finished the Lynda.com course, Learning to Write for the Web with Chris Nodder.

Basically, Nodder’s point is that web readers are scanning for information so you have to have concise text with a good summary so that visitors to your site know they are in the right place.

  • Always show first, and cut down on your writing so that it is easy for people to read
  • Use headlines, sub-headers, and bullet lists to make your content readable
  • No teaser headlines
  • Write at a 5th grade level
  • Use photos that help the reader understand what your product is about or how it can be used instead of generic stock images
  • Remove jargon and make sure you are writing with facts

Continue reading Writing for the Web

Hands Coffee Social Media Writing

The following is a social media copywriting sample for an fictional Korean coffee shop and bakery in Virginia called Hands Coffee.

**Disclaimer: This is a real coffee shop that exists in South Korea, but they currently do not have any branches in the US. This is a sample fictional marketing copy for Hands Coffee if they expanded internationally. Photos are property of Hands Coffee.

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